Registration Fees Payment

Instructions for ICMEM’2017 fees payment

Non-students 375 euros
Students         275 euros

Please, notice that all funds must be in Euro (€)

Would you, please, register before to place your payment

1) For wire transfer payment, please refer to the bank account information below (all costs of a wire transfer are the responsibility of the registrant):

Account Name: IOSEA (International Organisation for Science and Engineering in Africa)
Account Number: FR76 1027 8059 0000 0214 5520 137
SWIFT Code (Bank Identifier Code): CMCIFR2A
Bank Address: 17 RUE DU SABLON – BP 80287 – 57006 METZ CEDEX 01, FRANCE

When the wire transfer is made or if you need any additional information, please send an email to to assure proper credit to your registration. Then you will receive a receipt after the registration fee payment.

2) For payment by Purchase Order (Bon de Commande), send your order form to IOSEA, 27, rue des Primevères - 57530 Courcelles-sur-Nied, France Email: - SIRET: 828 837 641 00012

3) To pay online with a credit card, please select the amount below corresponding to your registration and proceed to the payment on the PayPal secure website. Please, notice that online payment with PayPal adds 0.25 € of wiring flat fee + 1.4% for online payment.

fee payment for a
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