Registration Fees PaymentInstructions for ICMEM’2017 fees payment
Please, notice that all funds must be in Euro (€) Would you, please, register before to place your payment 1) For wire transfer payment, please refer to the bank account information below (all costs of a wire transfer are the responsibility of the registrant): Account Name: IOSEA (International Organisation for Science and Engineering in Africa) When the wire transfer is made or if you need any additional information, please send an email to treasurer@iosea.org to assure proper credit to your registration. Then you will receive a receipt after the registration fee payment. 2) For payment by Purchase Order (Bon de Commande), send your order form to IOSEA, 27, rue des Primevères - 57530 Courcelles-sur-Nied, France Email: treasurer@iosea.org - SIRET: 828 837 641 00012 3) To pay online with a credit card, please select the amount below corresponding to your registration and proceed to the payment on the PayPal secure website. Please, notice that online payment with PayPal adds 0.25 € of wiring flat fee + 1.4% for online payment. |
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