For Authors > Proceedings edition

ICMEM’2017 Proceedings will be published in the publisher Springer.

For completing the Proceedings content, starting from the last version submitted to the conference, we request from you to provide a full version of your paper extended to 12 pages following the Temple of Springer provided here after.

Template Word 

Template TEX

The deadline for the submission of the full version complying with the editor requirements is set on 5th August. Then your paper will enter a last review process for its final inclusion into the Proceedings and publication.

We request you to complete and send us at the same time, the extended version of your paper, as well as the signed consent to publish here after.

Contributor consent to publish

Lastly, in case you used any material from other authors in your paper, please, make sure to get and send us as well signed permission from the owners, for the publisher's intent.

Permission Request Form

Permissions Advice


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