

List of topics

  • Modeling and simulation of cyber-manufacturing systems
  • Performance assessment and monitoring of damage
  • Operational research in new methods and challenges
  • Multi-criteria analysis and decision support
  • Information system and safety for the industry 4.0
  • Developing intelligent solutions for the factory of the future 
  • Robust design and optimization of cyber-manufacturing systems
  • Energy optimization in manufacturing and mechatronic systems
  • Quality, reliability, and maintenance of cyber-manufacturing systems
  • Monitoring and diagnostics in cyber-manufacturing environment
  • Perspective of the Internet of cyber-manufacturing objects
  • Training on cyber-manufacturing methods and technologies
  • Industrial big-data analytics and Computational Intelligence
  • E-Business Integration for industry of the future
  • Supply Chain Management & Logistics

Special Sessions

  • Embedded Electronic systems for industry
  • Big-data analytics for Smart Manufacturing
  • Smart cities: from energy production to consumption

The Conference Proceedings will be published by Springer.

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